How to Play 100 Guitar Songs With 4 Chords

We asked what new course you’d like to see in the app, and most of you told us you wanted to learn more about basic guitar chords. So, we’ve created an interactive 4 chords course that teaches you the four simple chords you need to play hundreds of the most popular guitar songs. You’ll learn how to fret and pick the correct strings for each chord, so you can put them together to play the songs you love.

4 Chord Songs

Our latest Quick Video Lesson focuses on the four basic chords you need to learn to play hundreds of the most popular 4 chord songs on guitar.

The four chords you are going to learn in our latest course are Em, C, G, and D, and you’ll master two of them with this simple step-by-step video. It shows you how to locate, fret and pick the correct strings for each chord using live video demos and on-screen graphics. You’ll also get tips on how to change easily between chords, so you can put them together to play your favorite songs.

Learn Guitar With Fretello

Check out the interactive course with plenty of examples, practical exercises and fun backing tracks in our app.