Are you ready to add more power to your playing? Our newest Learn Path level shows you how to master power chords - and much, much more!
Power-up your power chords

Level 25 has just been added to the Learn Path and it’s packed with powerful potential! Here you’ll learn to:
- Play sharp and flat notes used in the likes of Master of Puppets by Metallica or Pretty Fly by Offspring
- Increase the clarity of your sound as you practice playing power chords in five different songs
- Master the finger roll which’ll help you play faster and with more precision
To unlock level 25, work your way through the Learn Path until you’ve completed level 24.
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Stuck on a guitar problem? Let our teachers solve it for you. Simply send us an email at and we’ll answer your question in our upcoming Ask us Anything video.
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Playing guitar isn’t about unlocking any hidden talents. Anyone can become a proficient guitarist. With Fretello, you've got everything you need to learn guitar all in one app. Start you free trial and start:
- Expressing yourself through music
- Playing the songs you love
- Mastering the basics and beyond
- Making real, tangible progress