Advance your playing skills in our latest Learn Path level
Master the Fmaj7
Did you know that by adding just one note to the C major chord, you can play Fmaj7? Much easier to play than F major, the Fmaj7 is a fantastic chord for beginners (and pros!) alike. Check it out in Level 20 of the Learn Path.
Complete your song

Composing a new song can be exciting — but knowing how to finish it can be hard. In the new Unit, ‘Write a Song III,’ you’ll learn how to give your creation a proper ending so you can play it in its entirety!
Complete your song

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Playing guitar isn’t about unlocking any hidden talents. Anyone can become a proficient guitarist. By practicing with us as little as 20 minutes a day you’ll be able to:
- Express yourself through music
- Play the songs you love
- Master your instrument
- Stop playing the same 3 riffs for all eternity