Third Man Records are well known for their amazing vinyl records, and over the last couple of years, they’ve started producing some of the most incredible pedals we’ve seen to date.

Plasma Coil

Get ready for high-voltage rock'n'roll—the Plasma Coil pedal charges your guitar with a fuzz effect that you don’t just hear, but see. A pioneer in the market, this pedal is the only commercial musical device that amplifies audio signals to a blistering 3500 Volts. And you can literally see this power. The xenon gas-filled tube in the center shows your signal running through the circuit, allowing you to watch the gating of your sound as it happens in real time.

This pedal distorts your sound to levels you won’t have experienced before. To hear it for yourself, check out this YouTube video or listen to The Raconteurs’ album "Help Us Stranger" and see how he uses it to achieve an incredibly high contrast between individual notes.

Mantic Flex

The Mantic Flex pedal is a monophonic synth-fuzz that offers a chaotic, heavy, and unique array of sounds that allows any guitar player to reinvent themselves—even on the fly. Its PLL circuitry and hefty fuzz create a surprisingly distinctive but ever-changing tone, which allows each performance to be almost entirely unique and always exciting.

Ready to claim these pedals for yourself?