We just launched three brand-new web pages: “Learn”, “Practice”, and “Play.” They’re built to make playing the guitar even more fun, and all the content is free!
- The “Learn” page provides you with tips and techniques for playing the guitar.
- The “Practice” page contains guitar exercises designed to improve your skills.
- The “Play” page is for you if you’re looking for even more fun. Here, you’ll find weekly challenges, as well as the chance to win a 1-month Fretello Premium subscription.
What are you waiting for? Check out our new pages and have fun!

Here's also what you can expect on Level 28 of the Learn Path in Fretello:
- Three-finger power chords: Add an octave to your power chords! This empowers you to create quick melodies with arpeggios and to play full-sounding riffs.
- Power riffs & octave: Discover how well-known rock and metal bands use power chords in some of their riffs.
- Play Greensleeves: Are you ready for summer? Prepare with “Greensleeves”, an English folk song that sounds like love, nature and … ice cream!
To unlock level 28, work your way through the Learn Path until you’ve completed level 27.