Playing the guitar is always a dream of a number of people. Maybe you’ve started learning to play your favorite tunes on the guitar. Unfortunately, before you know it, the fingertips are on fire! It’s a very common experience for everyone who just started learning guitar. We’ve all heard the old adage again and again, “no pain, no gain”. Don’t worry: The fingertip sensitivity is temporary.

Here are a few effective tips that will help you rid of the pain.

Play a Little Every Day

The best option you have is to play the guitar more and more. However, don’t play too much unless your fingertips explode in pain! Rather, practice and rest consistently. This will allow your fingertips to build up calluses and become more resistant to all the strain. Start slowly; give your fingers a good training of 10-15 minutes a day. Don’t push too far just to regret later.

The Difference Between Good And Bad Pain

It’s normal to have fingertip soreness. However, if you experience muscle or wrist pain along with your fingertip pain, it’s a clear indication of your poor technique of playing. You don’t have to press harder than you need to. Harder pressing creates a greater strain on your hands and may ultimately lead to muscle and/or wrist issues. Feel free to explore a number of ways of holding the guitar so that your wrist stays as flat and as natural as possible.

Time Heals All Wounds

The fingertip soreness you’re experiencing is temporary and will automatically go away within a week or more. There’s no need for any special treatment. You can use icing or numbing creams for immediate, short-term relief. However, the ultimate solution gives your fingers time to build up calluses and say the pain goodbye!

Choosing the Right String Type

Some new players will prefer classical guitars with nylon strings. These strings are easier to play and put less strain on the fingers than steel-string guitars. The acoustic steel-string guitars use stronger gauge strings than the electric guitars, allowing electric ones a little easier. However, you can opt for lighter strings for any type of guitar. If the pain is really getting into your way of playing, visit the local music store for re-stringing your guitar with lighter strings.

Is Your Guitar the Problem?

The guitar itself may contribute to your discomfort. If the strings are positioned too high from the fretboard, fretting a note will require more energy. If you think this is the problem, you may want to bring your guitar to a local music store and let experts do the modification.

Don't Give Up

Every guitarist has suffered at one point. But you shouldn’t give up. Keep playing regularly and soon your focus will be mastering songs, not feeling the pain in the first place.

Practice will make anyone perfect at anything. Play with your guitar for, at least, some time every day for improving your skills in the long term. Once you’ve experienced enough, you can increase the time. Keep playing and eventually, the pain is bound to go away. You’ll eventually start enjoying the guitar for the beauty of it.

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