Guitar Skills The 4/4 Time Signature When played in a 4/4 meter, a bar has the length of a whole note (a minim). It’s a regular and simple beat pattern widely used in most forms of Western popular music.
Guitar Skills Understanding Time Signatures: A Beginner’s Guide to Timing on Guitar As a beginner guitarist, understanding rhythm is just as important as learning how to play chords and scales.
Guitar Skills The C/G Slash Chord The C/G chord, which is read as ‘C over G’, is the second inversion of a C major chord. Learn how to play the chord with suggested finger positions.
Guitar Skills 3 Guitar Scales To Practice First (For Beginners) If you're a beginner, here are the 3 scales you should learn first—in the right order! Nail these scales and you'll unlock your fretboard.
Guitar Skills The D Major Scale on Guitar The D Major Scale is one of the most popular scales on the guitar. Learn to play all 7 patterns across your guitar's fretboard!
Guitar Skills The G Major Key G major or the key of G is a major scale based on G, with the pitches G, A, B, C, D, E, and F♯. Learn how to play chord progressions in the key of G!
Guitar Skills The D Major Key D major or the key of D is a major scale based on C, with the pitches D, E, F#, G, A, B and C#. Learn how to play chord progressions.
Guitar Skills The Pentatonic Scale The Major Pentatonic Scale has a very distinct sound that works greatly layered over many chords. Learn how to derive it from the Major scale.
Guitar Skills The Major Scale The Major Scale is one of the most commonly used scales in western music.
Guitar Skills The A Minor Key A minor is a minor key based on A, with the pitches A, B, C, D, E, F and G. Learn how to play chord progressions.
Guitar Skills The A Harmonic Minor Scale The A Harmonic Minor Scale is one of the most used scales on the guitar. Learn to play all 7 patterns to play the scale on your guitar.
Guitar Skills The 3/8 Time Signature When played in 3/8 meter, a bar has the length of three eighth notes. Learn to play the 3/8 time signature on guitar.
Guitar Skills The A Natural Minor Scale The A Natural Minor Scale is one of the most used scales on the guitar. Learn to play all 7 patterns to play the scale on your guitar.
Guitar Skills Tremolo Picking Tremolo picking is a guitar-picking technique where you pick a note repeatedly as fast as you can, and is commonly used in music featuring electric guitars.
Guitar Skills Legato A legato indicates that musical notes should be played connected. The standard notation indicates legato either with the word legato or by a slur (a curved line) under or above the notes that form one legato group.
Guitar Skills Finger Rolling If you play a melody and have to jump to a neighboring string within the same fret, you can use a finger roll so you don’t have to change position.
Guitar Skills The Sixteenth Note A sixteenth note (also called a semiquaver) represents the duration of a quarter of a beat in a 4/4-time signature.
Guitar Skills The C Major Scale The C Major Scale is one of the most used scales on the guitar. Learn to play all 7 patterns to play the scale on your guitar.
Guitar Skills The F# Half-Diminished Seventh Chord The F#m7b5 chord in the open position is a half-diminished seventh chord. Learn how to play the chord with suggested finger positions.
Guitar Skills The G# Diminished Chord The G#mb5 chord is a diminished triad, which can be used as substitute for dominant 7th chords. Learn how to play the chord with suggested finger positions.
Guitar Skills The F Major Chord The F Major chord is derived from the E Major chord shape in the open position. Learn how to play the chord with suggested finger positions.
Guitar Skills The C Major Key C major or the key of C is a major scale based on C, with the pitches C, D, E, F, G, A, and B. Learn how to play chord progressions.
Guitar Skills The Eighth Note The eighth note is notated with a filled-in note head. It has a straight note stem with one flag. It is played for one-eighth the duration of a whole note.
Guitar Skills The Quarter Note The quarter note is notated with a filled-in oval note head and a straight, flagless stem. It is played for one-quarter of the duration of a whole note.
Guitar Skills Downpicking Downpicking is a guitar-picking technique in which the player moves the pick in a downward motion, against one or more of the strings.